Business Economics and Modern Practice (Course code: 2952261) 

The official catalog description is this: "Introduction to business economics and modern practice; critical factors contributing to business success in the world today; analysis of various concepts, objectives, policies and strategies of firms under competitive environment and socio-cultural factors and technology undergoing rapid changes; modern and wide-ranging topics on business economics." There is a small overlap with "2952461 Special Topics in Managerial Economics," with "2952271 Financial Report and Analysis for Economists," and with "2952306 Industrial Organization." 

Put differently, the course focuses on economic aspects of business strategy and competition analysis in global markets. The emphasis is placed on large corporations in their post-entrepreneurial phase. The course uses a sophisticated, whole-of-enterprise business simulation in a competitive global production and consumption environment. Ethical decisionmaking and corporate social responsibility are important components of this simulation and of the course. 

Economic Development (Course code: 2952311) 

The official course catalog has this description: "Principles, concepts, and theories of economic development; basic characteristics, structures, and problems of developing countries; economic and other factors influencing development; agricultural and rural development; industrial development; technological change; population; education and health; savings; investment; international trade, investment, and debt; problems and alternatives of development." 

This description suggests that the course covers "a little bit of everything". Instead of focusing on principles of economics, however, the emphasis is placed on the complexities of economic development. Throughout the course, it will be good to remember that all countries, even economically advanced and generally admired countries such as Australia, Canada, Germany, and Japan, once were developing countries. How did they progress to where they are today, and why are there still so many places in the world that are economically struggling?

Foundations of Conflict, War, and Peace Economics (Course code: 2952216)

Managing a whole country is difficult. Internal factions of interest groups need to be dealt with. Revolts and uprisings can arise. Rebels threaten established powers, as may terror organizations. Mass atrocities and genocides can and do occur, perhaps in neighboring countries whose refugees now stream to your country. Military alliances with other countries may need to be built, maintained, or changed, and general competition and cooperation with other countries occupy leaders' time. In the midst of security challenges such as these, an economy has to be run, the well-being of the population has to be ensured, and the natural environment to be protected. In a word, a lot of conflict potential needs to be managed and actual conflict resolved. What do economists know about the causes, conduct, and consequences of conflict? How can economists' way of thinking help to make the world more peaceful?